With employee experience (EX) at the top of every business’s priority list lately, it’s important to recognize that today’s workers aren’t only concerned with what a company does for them and how they feel as part of the company. Let’s explore how to bring those together:
Reassess HR’s role in your organization so employees feel understood
Human resources (HR) departments used to focus on ‘resources’ more than ‘human,’ trying to get the most out of personnel. Now, HR should strive to help people get the most out of life, strengthening their bonds at work and as part of their families and communities.
Evolve your EVP to match employee needs and expectations so they feel invested
A company’s employee value proposition (EVP) has a lot to do with its values – modern workers care about what their business stands for. Organizational action on societal and cultural issues will give your people a sense of fulfillment and shared purpose, building company loyalty.
Embrace digital transformation and workplace flexibility so employees feel autonomous
People need a sense of being in charge of their careers – not just where and when, but how and even why they work. Companies should deploy technology not just to help customers and operations but achieve an ideal balance between what employers and employees prefer.
Invest in workforce upskilling, including your HR team, so everybody feels valued
Everyone wants opportunities to improve at their jobs, who they are, what they’re good at, and how they want to explore. Supporting their growth—in terms of career, physical, social, and other development—will help them be whole, healthy, happy humans.
Invest in employee engagement and well-being so they feel cared for
It’s not enough to provide options for personnel to manage their headspace. Companies must nurture cultures that recognize and respect mental and emotional health, sustaining a safe space where everyone is encouraged and empowered to get the help they need.
This may seem like a lot – and honestly, it is. But with businesses across the globe realizing that great customer experience requires great employee experience, it’s an investment that will be more than worth it.